Becoming Number One in a Hot Party Show
Tools for
Minodiaire offers tailored consulting and education services for today's topics.
A toolbox for tomorrow’s leaders.
Diversity, equality and inclusion.
Communication, presentation and storytelling.
Business planning for your young company.
Leadership coaching and personal development programs.
Our Values
Smart choices for our planet's future... low-waste, green, recycled, circular, biodiverse or organic.
​Acceptance of black, yellow, short, red, brown, challenged, foreign or any other people "not like us".
All of us treated, accepted and compensated equally regardless of gender or orientation.
Gender Equality
Living a life of value, with fair access to natural resources, earnings, safety, education and health.
min-o-di-air [mi-noh-dyair]
a decorated box containing hidden but essential treasures
French, Minaudière or min·au·diere, [mee-noh-dyair]
A small, sometimes bejewelled case for a woman's personal objects. A symbol of independence and feminism in the early 1900’s.