Create a Successful Swiss Company
Complete information session that covers all aspects of new company formation in Switzerland, while addressing individual scenarios. OVERVIEW Setting up a new business in Switzerland can be complex if you are not a native. Multiple company types, languages, laws and domiciles are intimidating and not everything is found in one easy-to-follow website. Decide what type of company is right for you and map your business set-up. Our experts provide the basics needed for starting a business in Switzerland and will answer specific questions for your own personal scenario. Limited participants guarantee that your individual situation is addressed. TARGET AUDIENCE New entrepreneurs Academics with a new business idea but no business experience Small spin-off teams in house in organisations. Experts or managers wanting branch out into consulting. TAKE-AWAYS Participants will know the different company types commonly used in Switzerland and understand their key differences. They will know what is needed to create each type of company and where to find valuable tools. Participants will gain a basic understanding of the laws governing companies, what the risk is and how to manage invoicing, employees, social charges, unemployment, etc. FORMAT Presentation format with room for questions. Information session covering the basics Personal scenarios addressed Online via zoom. Max participants 20. Duration: 3 hours with short break. Additional consulting services can be offered to help you tailor your founding documents, locate legal services, create a business plan or files trademarks. Language: English CONTENT Basic legal guidelines for Swiss corporations. Group discussions about individual scenarios. Tools to use for company set-up External resources via weblinks and contacts. Personal checklist.